The first 50 Gold Star Family Members to sign up will ruck for FREE. The event will be lead by 2 Special Ops Cadre that will put us through some PT for about an hour, then we will ruck throughout Newport for the remaining 5 hours. Participants must bring at least 20lbs in their ruck for the event (could be either a ruck plate or bricks) This is a challenging event similar to 6 hours of the same type of training your loved ones went through. GORUCK’s goal is to bridge the gap between military and civilians so there will be veterans rucking with us helping us to push through.
After we hit the 50 person cap for Gold Star Families, the registration will be open to the public. At the end of the ruck, we will have a brief ceremony with Honor Guard to honor each of the fallen who’s family members have completed the challenge, so we ask that everyone bring a laminated picture of their fallen soldier to pin to the back of their ruck. Each Gold Star Family participant will also receive a Gold Star Light Challenge Patch upon completion. Read more about GORUCK’s challenges by going to www.goruck.com
Gold Star Family Members: register by emailing Megan Mcgill at info@rtfoundationnj.org.